Friday June 27th, 2003 / 11:44 p.m.


Oh it is SO HOT!!!

I cannot sleep. I cannot move. I filled up my bathtub with icy water and from time to time I will fully immerse myself in it, hair and all, to cool of my burning skin. Of course, I am wholly and utterly dry once more in a matter of minutes. Not only is there record-breaking heat (only three degrees below 100�this is San Francisco!!!) but there is no wind. None. None at all! It is completely still. Absolutely dreadful for sleeping or being inside, but absolutely sublime for the beach.

So that's where I've been! Today Colleen, Katie, and I packed up our towels, magazines, and sunglasses and headed for Baker, where everyone was packed in, taking full advantage of the freakish heat! It truly looked like Southern California, with hundreds out so that you had to pracariously weave through people to find a good spot. The sand was so hot that the heat was seeping through my shoes and was burning my feet. We basked in the delicious sun for a while, then took a long langorous walk down the beach towards the nudes (sadly I left my sunglasses at home so I couldn't covertly stare). And oh boy, the nakeds were out in full force. And of course, most of them were sassy gay guys, young and old, but I saw several women today. Even Colleen took off her top for a little while. My favorite naked was this wiry little old guy with a shock of white hair, wearing a naval captain's hat. It was great.

Colleen and I spent a thrilling hour or so in the actual ocean, diving through the waves like seals. Also, with seals! We saw a couple of them frolicking in the waves as well just a bit beyond. So cute. Anyway, the waves are so exciting, how they billow up as they approach, and you plunge under and feel the energy of them roll over you. That is the power of the ocean, and I am madly in love with it.

Finally our extremities were getting pretty chilled, so we joined Katie back on the shore. We didn't go back in the water, except up to the knees when we took another stroll later, down the other way. If I could spend every single summer day on the beach, I'd be delighted. Of course at the end of the day there comes a point where you're 'beached out' but I somehow always am refreshed and ready to go again by the next morning!

Colleen went home for some reason but Katie and I went back to her place, where we emptied about an entire bathtub amount of sand from our suits. We sudenly realized we were ravenous, and so we got all dolled up (sometimes you like to look nice after a day at the beach) and decided it was definitely a Hooters kinda night.

But. . thwarted. Turns out that they don't open until next Monday. So we just walked down the the wharf, which was�no surprise�bustling, and checked out a good place for sea food.

(Hey, did you know that Mus�e Mechanique is down there now? I knew it had moved from it's orginial location but I dind't know it was here. In one way it's a shame because before, it was such a little gem that only the locqals knew, but on the other hand they will probably get more business now.)

We ended up finding a 'delishish' place called Caf� Eight. It was the more casual, downstairs version of Alioto's, or something like that. We even got a window table. It felt like a date, hehe! Their sea food was great, very fresh. It was such a perfect summer supper, after a perfect summer day. The only funny thing was, since we were sitting at the window, for some inexplicable reason every single passer-bye stared intensely at us and our food. Intensely! Katie and I were baffled, and creeped. There was an advantage: we got to spy on a really hot guy waiting with his family outside the restuarant, but then when we were blatantly and appreciatively looking him up and down, we both also simultaneously caught the amused eyes oh his chubby younger brother. SO BUSTED! The brother smirked and we were horrified! We looked away and pretended to be eating, but out of the corner of my eye I saw the kid tell his brother, and point at us, laughing. I didn't see his reaction, but ahhh! (I am laughing so hard at the memory!) Then they came into the same restaurant, and when I noticed and pointed it out, she looked over and the younger brother caught her looking again. We could't believe it, lol, we wanted to hide. Then I saw another good-looking guy, and turns out he was another brother, and, bingo�caught again. The question is, how did that kid see us checking out his brothers everytime? Well I guess he was checking out us! Heehee

Randomly, towards the end of dinner, we saw Kristina Huey and Joe Toomey (sp?). How odd of a place to run into someone! I guess it's not all tourists down there, afterall. They came in and chatted, and I was struck by the thought that there seemed to be something there. It appeared pretty date-y! Who can tell though.

Katie and I had the perfect end to the perfect summer day when we went out for ice cream at Toy Boat on Clement (love that place!). Our original plan was Swenson's but the line was literally out the door and down the block�at ten at night! That's how hot it has been.

I was even happier with Toy Boat though; it has all that great character!

I got green tea, oh yum, and we got another window table. Then I asked Keeks, over our ice cream, if she wanted to make out, but I guess our date didn't go as well as it seemed on my side, cause she didn't want to! Heehe ;-)

I just dropped her off, and now I'm heading over to Jay's to spend the night.

Ah, what a perfect summer day. . .

I think I am the happiest I have been in a long, long time.

It's my half-birthday, woo-hoo! Only 6 more months until my 21st birthday. . .not that it will really matter come August!

I finished Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix! And wow. . . Just. . .wow. This changes everything! I mean, it always seemed to me that that was the only way it could ever be, but to see it there, officially, in writing, is amazing! (For those who have no clue what this means, disregard!)


My Latest Effort - Monday, August 11, 2003
Missstik - Sunday June 29th, 2003
*Melt* - Friday June 27th, 2003
These Are The Days, They Really Are. - Wednesday June 25th, 2003
It's HERE! It's Finally Here!!! - Saturday June 21st, 2003

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