Sunday June 29th, 2003 / 10:28 p.m.

I am SO TAN!

Oh, how I love Mistik Tanning! Even if you have to stand like a monkey, it's worth it.

I've never been tan for a single day in my entire life, so I find this truly remarkable! And I am so tan! Wow, I can't get over it!

Ryan and I met at Great Tan yesterday morning and he guided me through my first (but definitely not my last!) tanning experience. Now we are both bronzey mcGOO! And we were both so pale before, hehe.

My mom loves it too. I think it's just such a novel thing that we can't resist! So next time I go I'm going to take my student ID pic right after! I also plan to get it right before I go back after Christmas vacation. "Oh of course I got tan. . .I live in California!" HAH! Then my friends come and visit me and wonder where all the sun is!

After tanning was Jeremy's! A SALE at Jeremy's, yesss. I got a mid-thigh black microfiber Burberry raincoat, and a pair of black T-strap, kitten heeled Prada shoes, with little beaded things sewn down the T-strap. They're very pretty! My mom scored too, hehe. She got a black armani coat and some Christian Dior wool pinstripe pants that fit her like a dream. GO JEREMY'S!

Then last Alex invited us to Hooter's free dinner for staff's guests. It's the final step of their training. Oh MAN it was good. But I have never been so stuffed in my life, hehe. Also, a note on Hooters girls: Okay, if I can hardly look above any of their necks, how will males even DEAL?! It will be funny to watch if we ever go with the guys. Later on we went over to the huge throbbing crowd of revellers in the Castro to meet Coll, Ry, and Keeks. It was fun, but both Alex and I were exhausted from how busy we've been, so went home early.

Today, Sunday, was my wonderful, incredible, beautiful priest's last day celebrating Mass before his retirement, and it saddens me a lot to know that I will never hear his poignant, funny, insightful, brilliant homilies ever again. I have faith that this new guy, his close friend, will be wonderful as well, though. I mean, with a name like Father Justice, how can he not be??

I was supposed to meet Ryan and Katie at the Castro Theater for the Pride Parade but they overslept so I actually made the tail end of Father Mickey's party. I got to give him and Sister Sheral (who has also been essential to the parrish) proper good-byes. With Father Mickey though, he won't be gone gone though. He'll still be there in residence, so I'll get to chat with him once in a while. So though I will fervently miss his homilies, I would have been gone anyway! It could be worse. Besides, he has given so incredib;y much. He has worked tirelessly to save the school the state of the basilica (What with their urgently tiny budget), uniting the two communities in the parish (Latino and the rest), and he serves on many boards about many things, as well as has worked ceaselessly as an advocate of the poor, helping to get many measures on the ballot. He has lived a phenomenal life so yeah, he deserves a break! Lol! I'm just glad that I had a chance to hear his words; it was a privilege.


My Latest Effort - Monday, August 11, 2003
Missstik - Sunday June 29th, 2003
*Melt* - Friday June 27th, 2003
These Are The Days, They Really Are. - Wednesday June 25th, 2003
It's HERE! It's Finally Here!!! - Saturday June 21st, 2003

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