It's HERE! It's Finally Here!!!
Saturday June 21st, 2003 / 1:15 a.m.

"Awwww, he has pets!"

I am no longer blonde. Say bye-bye to my flaxen locks. It's just that the whole process was such a HASSLE, what with the bleaching, setting, dying, toning, washing, moisturizing, and blowdrying. The ordeal would take nigh on 5 hours, not to mention how pricey it was. Plus my hair grows too fast anyway. I only get about 2 days of solid blonde with no hint of brown. Two days! That's it, so I decided it's not worth it. If I get bored with my natural color then too bad. Although, I shouldn't get bored with it too easily; I haven't been this color since freshman year of high school!

This past week has been fun. . .it's been a lot of AVID looking forward to today. JUNE TWENTY-FIRST! Yes, it's the summer solstice, which means my mom and I have a tradition pf having dinner at this fabulous English Pub Restaurant at Stinson Beach, but that aside. . .

It's, it's. . .the drop of. . .The Order of The Pheonix! Released today!!!! Oh Harry Potter, precious, precious Harry Potter. I swear, it's more addictive that crack (care to corroborate, Brianna? ;-)! It's seriously been too, too long since my last fix. I was in high school, just starting my senior year. To put that in perspective at how long that was ago: the people who were freshman then, are now seniors themselves. Whoa.

So Colleen, Katie, and I met at Katie's place, along with Leia and Katy (good to see them, very good�they look great) and we headed to Borders downtown because the website said that there were various fun events. Humph! There were no events we found (after searching, searching for a parking spot). All there was, was a long line! Leia and Katy split after that, to meet 'the boys,' and Colleen and I headed back to Green Apple: where it's really at. While waiting for our letters to be called so we could grab our very own copies we browsed through the wonderful children's section, where so many of my childhood memories were wrought. I seriously spent so many hours there, little voracious reader that I was. I got my books there, read them, then sold them back to get some more! They'd go a full circle. Ah, how I love Green Apple! Colleen has a very similar experience. I bet we saw each other in there once or twice, even! Katie meanwhile got nostalgic about the books themselves, more than the place, and we joined her, naming all sorts of books we'd loved as kids.

Then. . .it was our turn.

We got them in our hands. They are so thick�870 pages!!! The coverart is beautiful too. Oh MAN I can't wait. (It is sitting on my bed right now, calling to me like a veela, but I am too tired to listen, strong as it is. I don't want to read it while tired! Conditions must be PERFECT.)

Aftrer we grabbed it up we got some celebratory Thai Iced Tea and chatted giddily about what we've heard, and what we expect. There is no tapping our excitement!

At that point, I wasn't tired and just wanted to get home to read it, but then we heard that Keiko had invited us over to join she, Mike, and Aileen, and so of course we wanted to go! The book can wait a bit. . .afterall, we've waited 3 years so far!

We got there, and I got the grand tour while the 3 finished up their game of Yahtzee! I wanted to find a little room to read OOTP, but decided not to be antisocial. Colleen settled for a compromise, reading with us there, but like I said, I need perfect conditions, like silence so I can utterly immerse myself. After awhile though, Katie and Colleen scampered off to the front room to read. I would have joined them but by that time I was doing portraits! I did Keiko first, then Aileen, then Mike, all while listening to the BEST OF AIR! I liked how they turned out, but what counts even more is how much fun they were to compose ("Sit DOWN Mike! And sitstill!" lol)! To see something else I've done recently, and also goes along with the HP theme, check this out! Tehe.

While I was composing them, Katie kept coming into the room and announcing, "Oh my God, oh my God Chloe! The information I have in my head right now! Ahhh!" It was so tantalizing, that little tease! But I couldn't go, I had to draw. My time will come.

Somehow we turned that kitchen from an art studio into a dance hall! We were getting it down, and I debuted 'The Raptor' that was so perfected down at UC. Soon it was Dino themed! Mike was a Pteradactyl, and Leen made one great T-Rex!

I've spending a lot of time with the boyfriend lately. It's been great, especially the times I've spent the night there. Cuddles!


My Latest Effort - Monday, August 11, 2003
Missstik - Sunday June 29th, 2003
*Melt* - Friday June 27th, 2003
These Are The Days, They Really Are. - Wednesday June 25th, 2003
It's HERE! It's Finally Here!!! - Saturday June 21st, 2003

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